
CFE News and Events

Mon Sep 30, 12-1:30 pm ET

Ethics as a competitive advantage: AI ethics in France

We welcome Dr. Claude Kirchner, the Director of the French National Pilot Committee on Digital Ethics. He will provide valuable insights into the benefits and challenges of perceiving Ethics as a competitive advantage in digital innovation and especially in AI systems.

Register for the AI Ethics in France talk
Wed Oct 2, 7 pm ET

Rescheduled Ethics at the Movies Event

After 20 years of living in the United States, an undocumented family decides to return home. Little do they know it will be the most difficult journey of their lives. A discussion with the director will follow the screening.

Get Free Tickets for Bulls and Saints
Mon Oct 7, 6:30 pm ET

Masking Mistakes: Lessons From the Science, Policy, and Coverage of COVID -19 with Carlos del Rio and Vinary Prasad

This event will bring distinguished faculty together on a panel to analyze the ethics, science, policies, coverage, and communication about COVID-19 in order to provide lessons for ongoing policy (e.g. annual vaccine boosters and seasonal mask mandates in healthcare facilities) and future pandemic preparedness.

Reserve Your Place Now - Hybrid Event
Register by October 8

The Ethical Path to AI: Navigating Strategies for Innovation and Integrity

No recent topic in technology or ethics has captured the imagination or spread as quickly as the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI). To train business and organizational leaders in the complex and often difficult process of implementing AI programs with integrity, the Emory University Center for Ethics is offering this online certificate program.

Enroll in the Ethics Certificate Program Now
Thur, Oct 24, 7:00 pm

Ethics at the Movies presents LIFT, with post-screening discussion

Filmed over ten years, LIFT shines a spotlight on the invisible story of homelessness in America through the eyes of a group of young homeless and home-insecure ballet dancers in New York City. After performing all over the world, ballet dancer Steven Melendez returns to the Bronx shelter where he grew up to give back to his community.

Get Your Tickets for LIFT
Fri Oct 25, 7:30-10:30 pm

Homecoming Kick-Off Party - Celebrating 25 year of the Ethics and Servant Leadership Program!

Catch up with EASL/MAB classmates and friends while enjoying a designated hang out spot with food, music, and an open bar. PLEASE NOTE: After selecting “Alumni Homecoming Kickoff Party”, choose “Ethics and Servant Leadership & Master of Arts in Bioethics in the “Let us know if you are with...” drop down. We look forward to seeing you there!

RSVP for the EASL/MAB Kickoff Party

What We Do


Ethics is crucial to every professional field, and the Center for Ethics has programs in many disciplines.

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The center’s faculty engage in a wide range of scholarship. Learn more about our current projects and recent publications.

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The center can provide the services your organization requires to create, enhance, and maintain an ethical culture.

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