Ethics Courses at Emory University

Ethics are woven into many classes across schools at Emory. No matter what degree you are pursuing, we hope you have the opportunity to incorporate ethics into your learning experience. A minor in ethics is available for undergraduate students. It's a multidepartmental program designed to complement all students’ major programs. The following are among the many ethics-related courses offered at Emory:
- AAS 387RW: Civil Rights Cold Cases
- AMST 387RW: Civil Rights Cold Cases
- ANT 252: Fast Food/Slow Food
- ANT 386 Medical Ethics and Technology
- CBSC 370A: Community Building and Social Change
- CS 453: Computer Security
- ECS 491: Ethics and Leadership
- ENGCW 354: 50 Shades: Nonfiction Ethics
- ENGCW 385R: Civil Rights Cold Cases
- ENVS 350: Environmental Thought: Ethics, Philosophy, and Issues
- ENVS 370A: Community Building and Social Change
- FILM 354: 50 Shades: Nonfiction Ethics
- FILM 355: Film, Media, and Social Change
- HIST387: Civil Rights Cold Cases
- HLTH 333: American Healthcare Ethics
- IDS 385: Special Topics (If topic has substantial ethics content)
- NBB 370: Neuroethics
- OAM 439: Business Ethics
- PHIL 115 Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 116: Bioethics
- PHIL_OX 115: Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 117: Nature/Environment/Sustainability
- PHIL 118: Introduction to Business Ethics
- PHIL 119: Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHIL 316: Bioethics
- PHIL 317: Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 318: Business Ethics
- PHIL 352: Nursing Ethics
- PHIL 415: Ethics
- POLS 317: Global Human Rights
- POLS 370A: Community Building and Social Change
- REL_OX 245QW: Ethics of Jesus
- REL 322: Religion and Sexuality
- REL 323: Death and Dying
- REL 329: Religion and Ecology
- REL 354R: Ethics
- REL 354W: Ethics
- REL 358R: Religion and Healing: Medical Ethics and Technology
- REL 380R: Internship in Religion
- SOC370A: Community Building and Social Change