Zhang Research

Selected Publication List

Dr. Zhang's area of expertise is Biomedical Ethics and Moral Epistemology

Publications in Edited Collections

Zhang, Ju (2017). “On A Contextualist-Reliablist Justification Theory of Moral Beliefs”. In: Analytical Philosophy in China 2013-2015. Ed. by The Analytic Philosophy Committee of Chinese Contemporary Western Philosophy Society. Zhejiang University Press, pp. 130-158.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Zhang, Ju (2015). On A Moral Naturalist Argument against Moral Skepticism. World Philosophy 4, 116-124.

Zhang, Ju & Cao, Jianbo (2011). On the Possibility of Perceptual Moral Knowledge. Morality & Civilization 4, 53-58.

Zhang, Ju (2011). Moral Language, Prescriptive Language and Imperatives. Journal of Shangrao Normal University 31(2), 15-20.

Translations (from English to Chinese)

Hyman, John (2015). Action, Knowledge, and Will. Oxford University Press. The translated Chinese version was published in 2019 by Shanghai Translation Publishing House.

Dewey, John (2008). “The Social-Economic Situation and Education” & “The Underlying Philosophy of Education”. In: The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 8, 1925 - 1953: 1933, Essays and How We Think, Revised Edition. Southern Illinois University Press. The translated Chinese version was published in 2015 by East China Normal University Press.